Barossa Area Fundraisers for Cancer Inc (BAFFC) is a non profit organization that aims to raise funds to provide support services and help reduce the impact of cancer in the Barossa Valley community and surrounding regions.
It all started in 2008 with a dream and a group of women eager to make a difference. We started with 12 members and now have about 22. We first formed the organisation because we felt that there was an immediate need to support people in the Barossa region who were going through cancer treatment.
'When we started our initial group of 12 members all put in $2", said Jo Feltus, Fundraising Officer. “Our patron at The Clubhouse, Mr Jack Ferrett, kindly gave us $500 and we organised a large Mother’s Day raffle. From the raffle we raised over $1,600 and have raised much more since.”
"All the girls are so dedicated", says Julie Combe, Chairperson. But there are also many men who are involved. Julie laughs when she recalls that Alan Birchard came into the Barossa Fresh Mall, Nuriootpa, bought a raffle ticket and ended up becoming the BAFFC Treasurer.
​All BAFFC members are volunteers who raise money through special events that bring the community together. We also rely on community donations, donation boxes in local businesses, raffles and in memoriam - bequests.
Community support has rallied behind our group and together we have been able to achieve many wonderful milestones and raise much needed funds. But there is always more to be done, and the need for our services and for funding is ongoing.
For our comunity
As a long-standing organisation that is actively working to better the lives of people with cancer in our community, our mission is to raise awareness and provide resources. We are known for our dedication and practical assistance. We provide a diverse array of services and facilities and are always looking at ways to offer more help to those who need our support.
We provide volunteer drivers and community transport cars to help patients get to and from medical appointments and have two new Hyundai’s on the road which are in operation from 7am to 7pm daily. The cars are replaced at 100,000 kilometres so maintaining this service and ensuring the cars are running at optimal efficiency is important to us. This is a service that reduces some of the travel stress associated with regular treatment sessions for many patients . Booking for this service are made through the Barossa Council.
Our group also makes and delivers chemotherapy care packs to hospitals; distributing bags of special items for cancer patients such as lotions, a soft toothbrush and thermometer. We also conduct a home assist program, provide palliative care rooms for cancer patients, offer access to massage, physiotherapy, free wig and headwear lending services, hairdressing services and prosthesis fitting. There are so many ways to help.